Research has shown that distracted drivers are dangerous. Drivers using cell phones are four times as likely to cause a crash as drivers that are not using their cell phones. It has also been found that hands free devices do not improve ones safety. It actually creates a false sense that what you are doing is okay.

And then there is texting. Texting also known as SMS (short message service) is on the rise. Car and Driver Magazine did a test to determine just how dangerous it can be. They rigged a car with a red light to alert drivers when to brake and tested how long it takes to brake. The results showed that an unimpaired driver took .54 seconds to brake, someone reading an e-mail an additional 36 feet, and someone sending a text an additional 70 feet in order to brake. The test was done at 70 mph.

Unfortunately, Americans are ignoring the studies and are increasingly trying to multitask in the their vehicles. So the next time you want to text, tweet, or e-mail, while driving, either ignore the urge or pull over!

Questions about the California Lemon Law? Call the Law Offices of Delsack and Associates at 1-888-Ex-Lemon (1-888-395-3666) for assistance.