Ford to use dandelion rubber for automotive partsFor most people, Dandelions are a pest, and many do what ever they can to get them get rid of them. The Ford Motor Company in conjunction with Ohio State University plans to turn this common weed into a replacement for synthetic rubber to be used for automotive applications such as floor mats, cup holders and interior trim.

Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TKS) is a Russian Dandelion or Rubber Root that has been used for its production of high quality rubber as far back as 1932. The Ohio State Agricultural Research and Development Center is growing TKS for Ford, hoping that the rubber produced will be durable enough for automotive applications. Before the Dandelion rubber can be used in automotive applications, Ford will test how it performs with different plastics to make sure it is durable enough. Ford has been experimenting with alternative building materials for automobiles for some time now. The company currently uses soy foam and wheat straw in seats and other components of its vehicles.

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