Earlier this week German media announced that Volkswagen is close to a deal to takeover Porsche. The deal is said to be in the neighborhood of $11 billion. The deal would be in two steps with VW initially purchasing 50% of Porsche and then they would acquire the remaining shares in a second step.

This would give Porsche and Piech family an ownership 50% of the shares in the newly merged VW-Porsche company. The lower state of Saxony would keep its 20% holding and this would make it possible for the emirate of Qatar to purchase some shares.

If you think the Volkswagen or Porsche you are driving might be a lemon, Please call California Lemon Law Attorneys, Delsack and Associates, at 888-395-3666 (888-Ex-Lemon) and find out. With over 21 years in consumer law, they are the experts.

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