It was announced by the secretary of transportation, that he will be holding a summit to discuss the dangers of driving and multitasking. The meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in September and will bring together safety experts, elected officials, police, academics, and others. The federal government does not usually pass laws governing behavior behind the wheel, but can make it a condition for receiving highway aid. Several senators have suggested withholding federal highway money from states that do not ban texting while driving. Currently 14 states are in compliance.

California has a seat belt usage rate of approximately 95.7%, but that still means that over 500,000 people are not fastening their seat belts. Please drive safely and do not put yourself, family, or friends at risk. The cost of an adult seat belt ticket is $132.00 and for someone under 16, the cost could be up to $435.00.

With the success of the Cash for Clunkers Program, the House of Representatives voted to extend the program and provide an additional $2 billion. They moved other business aside to take care of this on their last day before their August recess. The vote was 316 to 109, with support from both parties. It still has to pass through the Senate which will take it up next week.

The Car Allowance Rebate System which has been an overwhelming success has helped not only new car buyers but the American automobile industry. It also was meant to improve fuel economy of vehicles on the road.

Robert Gibbs, the chief White House spokesperson, said that if you are planning on buying a vehicle, this weekend, the program would still be available.

Although anticipated to be curtailed on November 1, 2009, the unsuspected success of the Cash for Clunkers program may force the suspension after only one week. Dealers have been stacking up applications since July 1, 2009 since the program was announced and with the increase in auto sales since its effective date more than 250,000 cars have been sold. The program offers government rebates of $3,500 to $4,500 per qualifying car. The government is considering providing more funds to extend the program.